Noel's Movie Reviews


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Name: Noel's Movie Reviews
Home: West Hills, CA, United States
About Me: My name is Noel Petok. I'm 27 years old. I've written 3 feature length film scripts and 3 short film scripts. I'm a caffeine nut and love to relax at my local Starbucks. If you love film, come chat with me.
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
American History X


This movie has it all; Controversy, powerful acting, nudity, and deaths that will have you wincing in pain. After a viewing of American History X, other than the powerhouse of a story, all you will be thinking is “What a performance,” by actor Edward Norton. To say this film is good would be an immense understatement. True it is heart-wrenching and disturbing, but it will leave you in awe with one word in mind; WOW! This ranks up with those must-see-films that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

American History X was directed by Tony Kaye, written by David McKenna, produced by New Line Cinema, and stars Edward Norton, Edward Furlong, Fairuza Balk, and Ethan Suplee. This film was made in 1998 and was rated by the MPAA with a solid “R” rating. The story follows a skinhead who is sent to prison for murdering two black men who attempt to steal his truck. Once released, he is completely reformed into a new human being, but returns home to find his younger brother in the process of being a Neo Nazi himself. He must now focus his life on making sure his brother doesn’t follow a similar fate.

This film has so much depth focusing on Edward Norton as the star skinhead and Edward Furlong playing his younger brother who looks up to him for guidance. Fairuza Balk (who got her breakthrough in the film The Craft) plays a dark and at times terrifying girl who’s the girlfriend of Edward Norton’s Derek Vinyard. And finally, Ethan Suplee (from the hit series My Name Is Earl) plays the overweight best friend of Derek Vinyard who is also a tough skinhead. I extremely liked the use of black & white to tell its flashbacks and color for the present time. The ensemble cast and chemistry everyone has works to a “T” and never ceased to amaze.

Edward Norton’s portrayal of Derek Vinyard is the focus, power, and heart of this film. He transformed himself in this role and packed on an extra 30 pounds of muscle for the character’s intimidation, even though he does bare a huge swastika tattoo on his chest. In the first part of the film he is toned, fit, muscular, and fully shows us what he is capable of, but by the second half he hides his strength beneath his clothes. Norton spends a good majority of the film looking mean and harms others around him to hide how he truly feels on the inside. This is not for the faint of heart and really digs deep and pulls our heart-strings as if it’s a tug-of-war.

Would I recommend American History X? It is definitely not for kids. I wouldn’t even say it’s viewable to anyone under 21. Everyone over that age should definitely see it (don’t forget not for the faint of heart). The only thing I can compare it to is the controversy and power of Dead Man Walking and the performance Sean Penn gave in that film. A strong powerful film many should also see.

-----Written by Noel Petok
posted by Noel's Movie Reviews 6:44 PM  
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