Noel's Movie Reviews


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Name: Noel's Movie Reviews
Home: West Hills, CA, United States
About Me: My name is Noel Petok. I'm 27 years old. I've written 3 feature length film scripts and 3 short film scripts. I'm a caffeine nut and love to relax at my local Starbucks. If you love film, come chat with me.
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Sunday, September 2, 2007
The Fountain


The Foutain (Trailer)
What if you could live forever? A question few really think about. Many people have heard several different forms of the story behind the Tree of Life. This film, The Fountain, gives us an incredible visual look into a story that revolves around the Tree of Life. Drink the sap from the tree and YOU WILL live forever. One way to think of it though, is, do you truly want to live forever and watch those around you die? Hugh Jackman (as seen in the X-Men series) gives us a performance so touching that you forget this is the same guy that gave us the beast that was Wolverine. This film is something to see at least for its visual effects that are simply beautiful eye candy.
The Fountain was noticed by several film festivals yet it wasn’t given that extra boost for critical acclaim. The screenplay was written and directed by Darren Aronofsky, who has built some status with films such as Pi and Requiem For A Dream. The film stars Hugh Jackman, Rachel Weisz (from The Constant Gardner), Ethan Suplee (from American History X), and Ellen Burstyn (from Requiem For A Dream). Darren Aronofsky has built a reputation with his great eye for film-making. He knows what grabs an audience and knows a great deal about storytelling. I give Mr. Aronofsky great praise for his dedication and drive to get this film out there. He went out of his way, after the film was shut down after a $75 million dollar budget, to push years later with a much smaller budget ($35 million dollars) and still got his movie made.
The Fountain was made in 2006 and was produced by Warner Brothers and Regency Enterprises. The MPAA rated this film PG-13 due to some intense sequences of violent action, some sensuality, and Language. This film covers all periods of time; yesterday, today, tomorrow, past, present, and future. Through time and space, a man embarks on a courageous 1,000-year odyssey to conquer the strongest foe: Death. Hugh Jackman plays that man, committed to one woman and determined to protect her from forces that threaten her life. His quest leads him to “the” Tree of Life…and into a journey where time has no end. Aronofsky continues to give us creative filmmaking. with a story packed with astounding scenery. “Not many films can blow your mind and break your heart at the same time, but this one will” (Drew McWeeny, Ain’t It Cool News).
The first thing that many will praise this film for is its beautiful visuals and incredible special effects. Renee April’s costume designing was brilliant and got each individual time period look down flawlessly. The special effects of the Tree of Life inside a bubble looked amazing and really put its own spin on a story around the influential tree. The entire cinematography look I can’t give enough praise to. Even though, the editing between stories and time periods tends to get confusing, you do quickly begin to connect to the great tale of these two lovers.
I found this to be quite an accomplishment for actor Hugh Jackman. This is an actor that’s been type cast in romantic comedies and has been given the staple as being known as “the” Wolverine character, in the X-Men series. Hugh truly gave 110% and put his heart and soul into this film. I believe he gave us a performance that will build him to bigger and better things, hopefully sooner than later. Just for insight into how much he put into this film, he shaved all of his hair on his head and chest for the last third of the movie. And, to show how much love and dedication the leads had in this film, Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz both signed on for a reduced rate. That’s what I like to hear, actors doing movies for the love of doing it, and not for the extremely high and outrages rates actors nowadays receive.
The Fountain’s story, they’ve created about the Tree of Life, is so well told and even ties in the lives of Adam and Eve. I was pleasantly surprised, in some scenes, to see Hugh Jackman show some acting talent along a legend like Ellen Burstyn. There are scenes that feel like a knife to your heart. When you first hear Rachel Weisz telling Hugh Jackman to complete her book it just touches you and is one of those moments that you want to smile and shed a tear. It’s chilling and yet so sad. There is so much to like within this complex yet common story. In some cases, when miraculous things happen, like finding a cure for disease can still happen mere seconds too late. Painful, but it is still a miracle! Don’t forget that. Even the ink tattoo work Hugh Jackman’s character does on himself has so much meaning and when you realize his reason for it, it is heartbreaking and painful to watch. Other interesting facts, I found interesting, about The Fountain, was that the character name that Rachel Weisz plays, Izzy Creo, is a close translation in Spanish “And yes, I do believe” (Y si, creo). In closing, there are few phrases in this film I want you to remember before, during, and after this film; “BELIEVE!” “FINISH IT!” And, “My conquistador, always conquering.”
----Written by: NOEL PETOK
posted by Noel's Movie Reviews 11:28 PM  
  • At September 10, 2007 at 9:27 AM, Blogger Dustin said…

    This movie was terribly overlooked. I feel like the spirituality that permeates the story is more important than the story itself, though. It's almost as if watching the movie helps you see more into yourself.


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